Joe Dye CulikMergers & AcquisitionsManaging Employee Communication During Mergers and AcquisitionsThis post will discuss HR professionals' challenges during the mergers and acquisitions process and tips on employee communication
DYE CULIK PCRunning Your BusinessZoom Returns to the Office! Legal Considerations if Your Business is Still Team RemoteZoom Returns to the Office! Legal Considerations if Your Business is Still Team Remote
DYE CULIK PCEmployment and HRFive Must-Haves To Include In Your Employee HandbookThe employee handbook is one of the most important tools for employers for setting expectations and adhering to state guidelines and employe
Shawna Dye CulikEmployment and HRThe Labor Day Deadline: Will Employers Win the Return to Office Debate?Labor Day marks the end of the summer and the end of remote work for some as U.S. employers rally to get workers back in the office.
Joe Dye CulikBusiness LawThe #1 Problem with Non-Compete Agreements in North CarolinaThough non-compete agreements may be invalid for potentially infinite reasons, one issue comes up time and time again – the non-compete rest
----Business LawCultural Fit: Identifying and Protecting Against Bias in Your BusinessCultural fit is characterized as the idea that business owners want employees whose behaviors, beliefs, and values are aligned with theirs.